Pubg pc optimization
Pubg pc optimization

pubg pc optimization

pubg pc optimization pubg pc optimization

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  • pubg pc optimization

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    #Pubg pc optimization full

    Content showing hacks/cheats/exploits must encourage discussion and contain full evidence. Posts containing general discussion of hacking, cheating, exploiting are allowed.Reddit's content policy can be found here.ĭiscussions of exploits, hacks, cheating or piracy.Any form of discrimination, bigotry, racism or hostility directed towards other players (or other games) will not be tolerated.r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS Rules Follow reddiquette The next time you launch your game you will see green blood instead of red blood! Green blood is easier to see for all types of vision and if you're sensitive to blood and prefer a more cartoony green feel, this well help as well.Remove Filtering Announcement Official Discussion Highlight Media Suggestion Meta No Media/Highlight No Meta No Highlight Right-click on the game, select Properties.To switch to green blood in PUBG, follow these steps: Most games and even video cards provide options to adjust colors for those with visual impairments or simply are color blind. One problem with the game can be that seeing red blood is difficult, especially if you're sniping from hundreds of meters away an alternative color, green for example, is much easier to see. It's frustrating, heart-attack inducing, 's PUBG. It's an online multiplayer game which drops yourself and 99 others into a single, large map and you battle it out until the last man is standing. My current video game obsession is Player Unknown's Battleground, also referred to as PUBG.

    Pubg pc optimization