Configure ffmpeg windows
Configure ffmpeg windows

  1. #Configure ffmpeg windows how to
  2. #Configure ffmpeg windows full
  3. #Configure ffmpeg windows software
  4. #Configure ffmpeg windows code
  5. #Configure ffmpeg windows download

#Configure ffmpeg windows full

Here’s what the log file looked like (click the figure to see it at full resolution). So, it computed VMAF using the default model, as well as PSRN, SSIM, and MS_SSIM, and computed the scores via the harmonic mean, which does a better job weighing variations in the stream than the simple mean. This string incorporates many of these options and worked for me.įfmpeg.exe -i output.mp4 -i input.mp4 -lavfi libvmaf="model_path=vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl:log_fmt=xml:psnr=1:ssim=1:log_path=harm_mean.txt:pool=harmonic_mean" -f null. Pool – Set the pool method to be used for computing vmaf. N_threads – Set number of threads to be used when computing vmaf. Ms_ssim – Enables computing ms_ssim along with vmaf. Ssim – Enables computing ssim along with vmaf. Psnr – Enables computing psnr along with vmaf. Phone_model – Invokes the phone model which will generate VMAF scores higher than in the regular model, which is more suitable for laptop, TV, etc. Log_fmt – Set the format of the log file (xml or json). Log_path – Set the file path to be used to store logs. Model_path – Set the model path which is to be used for SVM. You can find all the libvmaf options here. f null - – Tells FFmpeg to output a null file Other Options report – saves the log file (not essential) :log_path=VMAF.txt – path and name of the file to contain scores "model_path=vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl – path to VMAF model (this is the default model) i output.mp4 -i input.mp4 – list encoded file first, then source The shortest command string that worked was this:įfmpeg.exe -i output.mp4 -i input.mp4 -lavfi libvmaf="model_path=vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl:log_path=VMAF.txt" -report -f null.

#Configure ffmpeg windows how to

What I’ll do in this post is to document how to run VMAF using the compiled version of FFmpeg, which is pretty straightforward.

#Configure ffmpeg windows download

Here’s the links to Abi’s FFmpeg version (again): download So, a huge thanks to Abi for her hard work and gracious contribution. Abi compiled the necessary version of FFmpeg, which you can download here, and documented how to compile the codec yourself should you want to do so in the future. So, I reached out to friend and colleague Abharana (Abi) Bhat, Ph.D., who is the Video Architect, Video Quality at DAZN, the London-based OTT subscription sports streaming service. I know it’s been possible for quite a while now but since I’m not a coder I can’t compile the version of FFmpeg necessary to make it work. One of the gaps in my online course on Video Quality Metrics and my upcoming course on metrics at Streaming Media West was the ability to compute VMAF using FFmpeg on Wind. I’ll leave this post up for historical purposes, but the newer post is the one that you should use. To learn how to do this, check out the blog post Lesson of the Week: Computing VMAF with FFmpeg on Windows. Now the Zeranoe version does include VMAF support all you need to do is download the models and run the correct command strings. Mine is php5.Author’s note: When this post was written, the Zeranoe FFmpeg Windows download didn’t include VMAF, so you had to either download this version or compile your own. In addition, I provide the version I downloaded for everyone to download. At the same time, I have modified the text without permission. I would like to thank the original author. The original version was not found, and the ones that were widely spread on the Internet were all reprinted, but the links were gone. dll file, I took a lot of detours, and finally saw the reprinted article, it succeeded. Later, I felt that the version might be wrong, and I wanted to find the corresponding 64-bit php_ffmpeg. If the word ffmpeg support enable appears, the installation is successful.Īt the beginning, I copied the relevant files to system32, and there was always an error saying "unable to load dynamic library' xx/xx/php_ffmpeg.dll'". Use the phpinfo() function to see the installation result. In php.ini In the file, add a sentence: extension=php_ffmpeg.dll

#Configure ffmpeg windows code

Source code and compilation method of php_ffmpeg resource :Ģ, copy the php_ffmpeg.dll file to the extension directory of phpģ, copy all other files to the SysWOW64 directory of Windows (note: copy the 32-bit system to the system32 directory of windows)Ĥ. Generally we are lazy and download ready-made ones. Friends who are interested can download the source code and compile it. The official website provides uncompiled FFmpeg source code.

#Configure ffmpeg windows software

Ffmpeg FFmpeg is a cross-platform, command-line software for recording, converting and playing video and audio.

Configure ffmpeg windows